The Neolithic marks the period when our specie developed farming and domesticated animals.
Grade II Concussion
The brain is made of soft tissue. It's cushioned by spinal fluid and encased in the protective shell of the skull. When you sustain a concussion, the impact can jolt your brain. Sometimes, it literally causes it to move around in your head. Traumatic brain injuries can cause bruising, damage to the blood vessels, and injury to the nerves.
The process of making a copy of gene is called DNA replication.
This is a four step process. In first step, the DNA molecule which is double helical structure is unzip. This is carried out by enzyme called helicase which is also called biological scissors. Then after that DNA form Y like structure having complementary base pairs. Two strands are formed ; leading strand and lagging strands. They complementary base pairs allow the formation of new strands with help of primer. So new strand is then a copy of gene or called replicated strand.