1809: Treaty of Fort Wayne takes 3 million acres from Native peoples. William Henry Harrison, the governor of the Indiana Territory and superintendent of Indian affairs, negotiates the Treaty of Fort Wayne with the “Delawares, Shawanoes, Putawatimies, Miamie's and Kickapoos,” and others to acquire 3 million acres.
The reason they adopted this was to "A.Justify Revolution". This was because up to this moment there really had not been a formal explanation of the goals of the movement.
Drett scott was considered property and the court can not take away property.
Washington gives this as the Confederation's reaction based on the past government that hasn't been responsive to the people which are slow and has a different purpose. He was citing that this is from one point of view could be better than the present has to offer.
Washington was trying to let the Confederation see the possibilities that the new type of government that is being introduced would also experience problems before it can be finally settled. He also gave a further situation where he could not see the success of this, instead of a rebellion from the changes that would come.
They helped guard against the possibility of strikes that would slow wartime production.