public class 4by4Square
public static void main(){
System.out.println("xxxx \nx x\nx x\nxxxx");
import re
with open("../../Downloads/Tweets.txt","r", encoding="utf-8") as tweets:
myfile = tweets.readlines()
for item in myfile:
item = item.rstrip()
mylist = re.findall("^RT (.*) ", item)
if len(mylist) !=0:
for line in mylist:
if line.count("#") >=1:
ln = line.split("#")
dm = ln[1]
The python source code filters the document file "Tweets" to return all tweets with a hashtag flag, discarding the rest.
I think the answer would be C
A molecule is the simplest unit of a compound.
The following code is written in java programming language:
//set if statement
if (((modelYear >= 1999) && (modelYear <= 2002) && (modelName == "Extravagant")) || ((modelYear >= 2004) && (modelYear <= 2007) && (modelName == "Guzzler")))
recalled = true; //initialized Boolean value
else //set else statement
recalled = false; ////initialized Boolean value
Here, we set the if statement and set condition, if the value of modelYear is greater than equal to 1999 and less that equal to 2002 and modelName is equal to "Extravagant" or the value of modelYear is greater than equal to 2004 and less than equal to 2007 and the model year is equal to "Guzzler", than "recalled" initialized to "true".
Otherwise "recalled" initialized to "true".