<span>When reference is made to the "poverty line", it means the specific amount of income needed for a basic standard of living.
The poverty line refers to the base level of pay considered sufficient in a specific country. Practically speaking, similar to the meaning of poverty, the official or normal comprehension of the neediness line is fundamentally higher in created nations than in creating nations.
Maria is in at the exploration stage of the career development cycle.
The exploration career stage is the first stage before employment where the individual just graduated college and ready to join the work environment. The individual also narrows down their preferences influenced by parents, friends and teachers to get a right career path.
There is also a tendency to have expectations that may be unrealistic, creating fantasies about the place of employment, work or work environment before being employed. For most people, the exploration stage is at mid-twenties while for some it might come late or earlier.
Psychosocial development refers to how our mind is changing
Psychosocial development or the "Theory of psychosocial development" as defined by Erikson with the help of Joan Erikson constitutes eight stages from infancy to adulthood which an individual must successfully pass in order to have a healthy development. There are various goals all along the way created by conflicts and consequences, that must be met.
If an individual reconciles with the conflicts of one stage, he emerges from that stage with the associated virtue of the same. If he fails to do so, these might present as conflicts later again in the subsequent stages which he will have to solve later. Each of these stages is temporary and the success in the previous stage is not a prerequisite to enter into the next one.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta es la siguiente.
El propósito de los aranceles consiste en:
"proteger los sectores productivos nacionales contra la competencia de productos producidos a precios inferiores a los internos."
Cuando estamos hablando sobre temas de comercio exterior, los países deciden imponer tarifas especiales o aranceles a los productos del extranjero como una medida para proteger los sectores productivos nacionales contra la competencia de productos producidos a precios inferiores a los internos.
Estos impuestos llamados aranceles buscan que los consumidores del país prefieran comprar productos nacionales en lugar de lo extranjeros. Primero, porque tratan de favorecer a la industria nacional por encima de la industria extranjera. Y luego, con los aranceles, os productos extranjeros se venden a precios más caros, aunque la gente luego los paga porque considera que son de mejor calidad.
Hoy en día, los países han decidido formar bloques comerciales para eliminar esos aranceles y poder exportar/importar libremente. Tal es el caso de la Unión Europea o el TLCAN, el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, firmado por los Estados Unidos, México y Canadá.