<span>The common difference between the three organisms
is the area in which they specifically live or stay in the ocean. Planktons can’t
be seen by the naked eye and they require microscopes to be detected. Planktons
usually float in the water and they cannot move on their own that’s why they
are dependent in the movement of the water.
Nektons are organisms that swim through the water and they live in different
depths in the ocean ecosystem. Nektons are composed of fish and other mammals
that propel themselves through the water.
Benthos are organisms that live in the ocean floor and many of these organisms
stay in one place by attaching themselves to rocks. This adaptation protects
them from crashing waves and drastic water movements. Other benthos are known
to burrow in the ocean floor either for food or protection.</span>
poliinators and flagellated sperm
Cycads (phylum Cycadophyta) together with Ginkgophyta, Gnetophyta, Pinophyta, Pteridospermales and Cordaitales belong to the gymnosperms (naked seed-producing plants). They are different than angiosperms which produce encased seeds within an ovary.
Cycads (but also Ginkgo) produce swimming sperm that is different than all other groups which produce sperm without swimming flagella.
Also, unlike other groups of gymnosperms, cycads have specialized pollinators, beetls.
In GIFT, the sperm and eggs are just mixed together before being inserted and, with luck, one of the eggs will become fertilized inside the fallopian tubes. ... With GIFT, fertilization actually takes place in the body rather than in a petri dish. However, in vitro fertilization techniques have become more refined.
Mutation is a alteration in the DNA sequence in a gene during cell divison iwhere gene is coded mitakeny or due to the error. Mutatio is a random process as it can not be determind or known befor bthechange in sequence what gene or DNA would be effected by it or what genes would be transfer from the parents.
Natural selection is a process where some of the traits that are helpful in the surviving and increasing the number of individuals in a population and transfer from one generation to other according the adaption and change over the long timeline. Thus, it is not random and based on the traits that are helpful in a environment or for the survival of