- If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed?
- if you tickle us, do we not laugh?
- if you poison us, do we not die?
- and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?". - (Act III, scene I
Shylock is saying that whatever response you have to what happens to you, Jews have the same response
<u>Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition</u> -<u>Reading the summary first</u>- Survey. SQRW (the S stands for Survey) is a four-step strategy for reading/taking notes from chapters in a textbook. It helps to understand what you read and to prepare a written record of what you learned. To survey means to assess the information available. To survey a chapter, read the title, introduction, headings, and the summary or conclusion. By surveying a chapter, you will quickly learn what the chapter is about. <u>SQRW</u>:
- <em>Q - Question (you need to have questions in your mind as you read); </em>
- <em>R - Read (read the information that follows each heading to find the answer to each question you formed);</em>
- <em>W - Write (write each question and its answer in your notebook).</em>
The intrinsic eye muscles, or the <span>sphincter pupillae.</span>
Answer: Vivid imagery is often used to help the reader form a mental picture.
Basically, vivid imagery is a widely used technique in the field of writing. Simply because, many writers find it as a very effective method to describe something to the reader. In vivid imagery, the writer should include the five senses which are the sense of sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing when he describes something in his writing piece. In this way, the reader will have a clear idea of what the writer is talking about.