An optional Call
Callable Bond
Callable bond represents an instrument of debt where the issuer issues the instrument reserving the right to make a return of the principal of investors including the stoppage of interest payments before the date of maturity of the bond.
Organisations would usually issue bonds as callable when either to meet unexpected obligations like pay off other debts, fund expansions or when they sense that opportunities may arise in the future for them to get other forms of financing at lower interest rates.
For bonds to be callable the terms must be clearly stated in the bond's offering.
Optional Call
In optional call, the issuer reserves the right to call the bonds to take advantage of present circumstances such as significant drop in interest rates (as stated in the question). However, the terms detailed in the bond resolution will allow the bondholders to receive a premium to par as compensation for their loss of interest payments on the called bond.
Furthermore, a period of time must usually pass before the issuer can use the optional call.
This attitude is called cash register honesty.
The book store worker knows very well that ball point pens, post-its, copies on the copier machine and long-distance phone calls are office resources and should, in principle, be used only for office purposes.
He is also aware that the he is responsible for his own needs - be it post-its or long-distance phone calls.
By taking some small supplies home or using the office equipment for personal use (e.g. making personal copies or making personal long-distance phone calls), he increases the cost to the company.
Yet, he continues to indulge in the activities described in the question, because he believes, at a personal level, that he can get away with it . (It's okay with him at a personal level.)
However, since stealing from the cash register is not ok with him on a personal level, he doesn't do it even though he knows he can get away with it. This attitude is called cash register honesty.
A. economy weakness go upward then downward hope that helps
It must be found that the income of a home flows in a very habitual way day by day because the expenses that are generated in the daily living are many.
Regardless of the number of family members that make up a household, the flow of income will always correspond to a good or benefit to satisfy a basic or secondary need.
Other income that can flow from a household are those that are made through bank transactions, for scholarship payments, credit cards, or other types of transactions that allow households to make a profit.