the destruction of the butterflies’ environment
lighter weights and increase repetitions
Muscular endurance is the ability of muscles to push, lift, or pull a certain weight over a period of time. The key in this concept is in the time during which physical effort can be made. As a general rule, muscular endurance is measured based on the number of repetitions that can be performed. Training aimed to increasing muscular endurance is usually based on progressive repetition exercises, where the weight is less but the number of repetitions is higher.
The first thing you <em>should</em> do is to report it to a trusted adult or authority figure whether that be their or your parents, or the school counselor/resource officer.
However, after you do that, you can try to care for them and comfort them as much as you can. It is recommended that you don't give them overbearing care as that can cause them to feel worse about themselves. If they do begin to hurt themselves, tell an adult.
Here is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
The right answer is Electrocardiography (or Electrocardiogram).
In a typical plot, one can notice five characteristic waves. They are called P, Q, R, S and T. The illustration below shows what a normal electrocardiogram looks like:
* the P wave marks the depolarization during the contraction of the atria;
* the PR interval indicates the time required to transmit the electrical impulse of the sinus node of the atria to the ventricular muscles;
* the QRS complex marks depolarization and ventricular contraction;
* the QT interval corresponds to the global ventricular repolarization;
* T wave refers to the end of ventricular repolarization.