Nucleotides are made up of a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar and a phosphate group :)
1. This could be a scary or dangerous situation and you don't want strangers to distract you.
2. The situation could be very personal to you or your family member, and it could be embarrassing for a stranger to know.
Some medicines like aderall u can open it and pour it in food thats one function of a capsule.
1. Middle ear is made up of 3 small bones called malleus, incus, and strapes, it also has a tube called the Eustachian tube.
2. The cochlea is in charge of changing sound waves into electrical signals given to the brain to process.
3. The eardrum is in charge of making sound waves vibrate.
4. The ear canal is in charge of transferring sound waves to the tympanic membrane(eardrum).
Lack of trees , plants , shrubs and herbs