Any phone charger could be used with any phone, and most tablet chargers would work on any tablet.
Wireless charging technology has been around for more than 100 years, but its inclusion in devices such as Apple's new iPhone line has given it new life.
To find the rhyming scheme, we consider the last words in the sentence.
So in this paragraph it is breed, need, move, love. Here 'breed' and 'need' rhyme and 'move' and 'love rhyme, so the marking scheme is
I didn't understand the first part of the question, could you elaborate more
Emotional appeal (Pathos)
In her speech, Sojourner is trying to depict her suffering by saying that she gave birth to 13 children and saw them all sold into slavery, in order to provoke empathy and get an emotional reaction from the public. According to Aristotle,This approach is know as <em>Pathos</em>, which consists in an appeal to the audience's emotions.
So the well known writer gets credit for what he or she has written
Speak loudly, always look at your audience( unless if you need to look back at your paper) and if you are nervous, just picture everyone in their underwear.