They had to do lots of chores like;hunting and fishing for the boys;knitting,weaving,cooking,and cleaning for the girls.
The Funerary Mask of Mycenae was discovered by Henrich Schliemann and is believed to be the funerary mask of Agamemnon, the leader of the Achaeans during the war against Troy, depicted in Homer's Epic the Iliad.
Because there are thing that are stated saying that us humans are not allowed to do
Answer: pre-synaptic neuron
A pre-synaptic neuron is a neuron that produces the neurotransmitters in response to the action potential entering into the axon terminal. The vesicles present in the synapse forms the synaptic pool for the exocytosis of the neurotransmitters, which means they are readily releasable.
When the action potential reaches up to the nerve terminal the electrical signals will be generated at the voltage-gated calcium ion channels.
The answer is - water vapor released from volcanic outgassing
The earth's interior contains minerals with hydrogen and oxygen, volcanic eruptions spewed gases from the earth's interior to the atmosphere through a process called Outgassing or Degassing which still continues today. Outgassing is the spontaneous evolution of gas from solid or liquid, degassing / degasification is the deliberate removal of dissolved gas from solid or liquids especially water or aqueous solutions. The continual outgassing or degassing process releases H2O as water vapor into the atmosphere (producing rain- rivers, lakes, oceans), carbon dioxide.
Forces of gravity prevent the water from leaving the planet.