1) Fueron (Plural of "Ir" (go) in past tense. Ellos = they.)
2) Fue. (Ella fue, third person, past)
3) Fueron (same as question one; modifying this time "Ustedes")
4) Fuiste (second person, past tense of "Ir": You went)
5) Fuimos (Fourth person (we) and in the past).
I feel proud of Mt. Everest because it is the tallest mountain in the world and it is situates in Nepal. I am also feel proud of Gautam Buddha because Siddhartha Gautam born in Brahman family in Hindu religion but has sacrificed this luxurious life for the sake of humanity and noble cause.
Who ever got there first would go then you will
Before the states became states they were called colonies. The reason why they were called colonies was because that they were all colonies of Great Britain. They began being called states in July 1776.
respect for constituted authorities
respect for national symbols
respect for rules
reporting offenders