साक्षरता भनेको के हो ?
=>साक्षरता भनेको साक्षर हुनु अर्थात पढने र लेख्ने क्षमताबाट संपन्न हुनु। .
आशा द्द मेरो उत्तर ले हजुरलाई मद्दत मिल्ने छ ।
The formulation of new memories is sometimes called construction, and the process of bringing up old memories is called reconstruction
The court chose Worcestor because it was a peaceful tribe
African american have bmr that are about 10 percent lower then that of caucasians true or false True
The people who were native to North America were not a single group, however, and various groups, or tribes, had specific ways of life and generally inhabited specific areas. The largest Native American tribe, the Cherokee, lived in the Southeast. Other tribes included the Seminole in Florida and the Chickasaw. These tribes tended to stay in one place and were skilled farmers. Native Americans each lived in separate tribes all over america. They each had a different culture, for example religion, naming,traditions, etc.
Native Americans each lived in separate tribes all over america. They each had a different culture, for example religion, naming,traditions, etc.