It is important to include you own personal twist to every piece of art work that you create, because when you create a drawing, or painting, or what ever your doing, you need to express yourself, that is what art is all about! If you work does not have anything that fits you personally, then it does not express who you are, and without expressing yourself, your art does not mean anything, its is just simply something you created, instead of something you could be proud of.
I hope this helps, :)
There are two types of shapes: geometric and free-form Our bodies take up space as do all shapes and forms that are freestanding are surrounded by negative space whereas relief sculpture projects into negative space.

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Musical Instruments: History, Technology, and Performance of Instruments of ...
By Professor of Musical Acoustics Murray Campbell, Murray Campbell, Clive A. Greated, Arnold Myers, Senior Lecturer in Music and Director Arnold Myers
Yayyy thank you for the points!!!