1 . The stage on the first meiotic division when the homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles but the sister chromatids remain together
: b. Anaphase I
2 . The stage in the second meiotic division where sister chromatids migrate to opposite poles
: c. Anaphase II
3 . A structure on the chromosome that holds a pair of chromatids together during replication
: f. centromere
4 . A double-stranded chromosome following replication attached by a centromere
: d. chromatid
5 . A condition where non-sister chromatid of homologous chromosomes exchange genes
: e. crossing over
6 . The stage in the first meiotic division where the homologous chromosomes line up as a pair
: a. Metaphase I
7 . The stage in the second meiotic division where the chromatid pair lines up at the equator of the cell: g. Metaphase II
DNA replication occurs during the S phase of the interphase of the cell cycle. The replicated DNA molecules are accommodated in two sister chromatids of a chromosome that are held together by a centromere.
During prophase I, the chromatids of a homologous chromosome pair exchange a genetic segment. This process is called crossing over. It generates recombinant chromatids with new combinations of genes.
Metaphase I of meiosis I includes the alignment of homologous pairs of chromosomes at the cell's equator. This is followed by separation and movement of homologous chromosomes to the opposite poles of the cell during anaphase I.
Metaphase II of meiosis II includes the alignment of individual chromosomes, each with two sister chromatids, on the cell's equator. During anaphase II, splitting centromere separates the sister chromatids which then move to the opposite poles of the cell.
A tectonic plate (also called lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. So i think its True
The primary distinction between these two types of organisms is that eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus and prokaryotic cells do no
Option C
In elephant seals, the male arrive the beach first and start establishing its territory. Once their territory is established female elephant seals starts arriving at the beach and prefer mating with the male who can defend their territory or females in his territory from other males. All females in the territory of specific male mate with the male give birth to their pups and after staying for few months move back into the water.
hence, option C is correct