false, that shouldn't be a a priority to identify if they are or not.
A. They are typically played in doors.
Most logical answer
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout<<"My name is Rajat Sharma"<<endl<<"My address is Flat no=23 GH=5 Paschim Vihar New Delhi 110087 India"<<endl;
return 0;
The program is written in C++ language.In the program I have used cout to print my name and the address.First the name will be printed then the address in the new line endl is used for new line.To print any sentence just put them in double quotes.The same sentence in the program will be printed on the screen.
You should change the font of that specific word to another colour. And you can also make it bold and italic. Furthermore, you may even italicize it and make the font larger.
Hope it helps :)
e) None of the above
Software engineers should make the analysis, specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of software a respected and beneficial profession. In accordance with the obligation with the welfare, health and safety of society, software engineers should adhere to the following Eight Principles:
Society: Software engineers will act in a manner consistent with the social interest.
Client and Entrepreneur: software engineers will act in a way that produces the best result for client and entrepreneur, and in a manner consistent with the social interest.
Product: Software engineers will ensure that their products and corresponding modifications meet the highest possible professional standards.
Valuation: software engineers will maintain integrity and independence in their professional valuations.
Management: Software engineering leaders and managers will subscribe and promote an ethical approach in software development and maintenance management.
Profession: software engineers will advance in the integrity and reputation of the profession, to drive consistent with the social interest.
Partners: Software engineers will be fair and support their partners.
Staff: Software engineers will participate in continuous learning regarding the practice of their profession and will promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.