The humanistic personality theory has been criticized mainly
because of individualism as this is the main focus or the one supporting this
type of society. Individualism is a way of having to engage more on the moral
worth of one person or that their ways of being more self-reliant or engaging
to being more independent.
Answer: chocolate oreos make p a i n g o a w a y
Five negative impacts on social net work :
- It make it easier for criminals to find out basic information about you
- It make it easier for people who wanted to take your pictures for wrong reasons
- Criminals could use it to find out where you live
- If you upload your artworks or project to social media, it would be easy for people to use it without permission
- It can be used to find out/predict your activity and track you
Positive Impact
- It broaden your connection
- It make it easy for you to find out about news and other information
- It could serve as a platform for new business
- For parents , it could be used to watch out their children
- It could be used to gain more exposure for your artwork or project
Firstly, as they are sedentary and also a workaholic, I would modify this behavior by telling them to control their work environment and take 10-15 mins walks for their work breaks. The reason being is that now, instead of sitting and doing work all day long with no exercise whatsoever, they will be on their feet for 10-15 minutes every hour, which is a better alternative for their sedentary and busy lifestyle.
Secondly, they are overweight but also have type 2 diabetes, I would modify this behavior by making them change their diet. Keep in mind that they will now be on their feet for 10-15 minutes every hour, which will help them lose a couple of pounds if a correct and healthy diet is also included. As they have diabetes, I have to be mindful of what they eat and how much they eat. I will tell them to replace refined carbohydrates with wholegrain foods. And also, to increase intake of vegetables and other foods high in dietary fiber. Last but not least, I would urge them to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day as this will keep them hydrated and away from sugary and unhealthy drinks.
Long-term physical activity can help to reduce your heart rate through its response to exercise: an increased stroke volume leads to a lower stress response and therefore less cortisol is produced, allowing for a more homeostatic environment for the lymphatic system.