Human can produce a maximum mechanical power of 1/3 hp (horse-power).
Horse power is a unit of power, it equals 746 watt (watt is also a power unit, known to be equal to a joule per second)
1 ph = 746 watt = 746 J/s
1/3 ph = 248.6 J/s
we're looking for the calories, so
1 joule = 0.239006 calories
So human produce a maximum mechanical power of:
248.6 J/s = 82.88 calories per second.
We're looking for the number of calories consumed in three hours, so:
82.88 cal/s = 82.88 cal/s * 3600 s * 3 = 895200 calories = 895.2 kilocalories (food calories).
The number of food calories is 895.2 food calories
The process that makes it possible for major organs of the body to be formed by 10th week of human development is differentiation.
Human development is started off by the process of fertilization in which the sperm and ovum fuse to form zygote. In human beings fertilization takes place in the oviduct of the female. The zygote that is formed undergoes mitosis to form the embryo.
The embryo then gets embedded in the uterine walls. It continues dividing and differentiating into several organs. Almost all of the organs are formed by tenth week of pregnancy even though they aren’t fully developed.
The embryo has three layers namely ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Ectoderm develops into outermost skin layer, central and peripheral nervous system, eyes and inner ears. Baby’s heart and circulatory system is formed from the mesoderm and the baby’s lungs and intestine develop from the innermost layer called endoderm.
DNA that contains genes from more than one organism is called "Recombinant DNA".