The court assured the right to a legally kill babies
I just got 100%
Lifted the arms embargo as cash nd carry
Think about slavery. The average African-American will have very low morale if he is forced to work. Low morale means their work ethic will slip, and sub-par work ethic leads to sub-par product. You'll actually be saving money if you free your slaves. Rather than paying tens of thousands of dollars to buy them and then paying for all of their expenses beyond that, you'll just have to pay them monthly or weekly wages. Abolition is both cost effective and stimulating to the economy.
Large concentrations of individuals were more expensive to care for, especially medically. Most slave owners were primarily concerned about the so-called "wage bubble" that would burst and leave all slave owners destitute, when in reality slave owners who freed their slaves and still had some working for them as freemen flourished.
In 1856 Franco-Russian-British peace was signed at the Congress of Paris. Cavour succeeded in having one of the sessions expressly devoted to discussing the "Italian problem": He was able to publicly defend the idea that the repression of the reactionary governments and the The policies of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were the real culprits of the revolutionary anxieties that were forming throughout the peninsula and, above all, that these revolts in Italy could degenerate into a revolutionary threat to all the governments of Europe, thereby increasing the Franco-British concern in the "Italian problem".