The sun is the biggest PLANET in our solar system.
it sooooiii hqrd i allows need
I believe it would be the coordinator because it would be coordinating the response to the stimuli
Aplastic anemia refers to a disorder that takes place when the body loses the tendency to generate enough amount of new blood cells. Aplastic anemia is a rare and serious disorder that can develop or arise at any age. In the condition, the person becomes fatigued and possess a greater threat of developing infections and uncontrolled bleeding.
Thus, in the given case, the nurse should appoint a roommate who is free from any kind of infectious disease or any other thing, which can stimulate an infection.
A. The heartbeat can be heard
After the first trimester, during the fourth month, the heartbeat of the fetus becomes loud enough to be heard with the help of a stethoscope placed on the abdomen of the mother.
From fifth to the seventh month of the development, kicks and jabs are felt by the mother as the fetal legs grow and develops. Languo, a wrinkled pink colored skin covers the fetus.
Languo is in turn covered with a white greasy substance called vernix caseosa.
From eighth to ninth months, rotation of the fetus places its head pointing towards the cervix to facilitate childbirth later.
The development of testes takes place in the seventh month while the body hairs become disappeared in the eighth month.