Hay miles y miles de deportes en el mundo pero te daré una lista de los 10 deportes mas jugados:
1.- Natación (1.500 millones de practicantes)
2.- Fútbol (1.002 millones de practicantes)
3.-Voleibol (998 millones de practicantes)
4.- Baloncesto (400 millones de practicantes)
5.- Tenis (300 millones de practicantes)
6.- Bádminton (200 millones de practicantes)
7.- Béisbol (60 millones de practicantes)
8.- Balonmano (18 millones de practicantes)
9.- Hockey (3 millones de practicantes)
10.- Rugby (2 millones de practicantes)
<span>I Believe it is when a woman has her Menstruation</span>
Master Athletes is the correct answer.
gain occurs either through intentional or unintentional way. Intentional way of
weight gain is where an individual is over eating or having meals that have
high calories which makes a person obese. The unintentional way of weight gain
is when an individual is experiencing medical problems like urinary problems,
endocrine system problems like hormonal imbalances and the likes, due to
stress, etc. An individual who are having a weight gain problem should consult
a doctor immediately to check the cause of the weight gain and to solve the
problem. </span>