In Linux computer systems, "tail -n 15 /home/user/logfile" is a command line interface (cli) command that should be used to view only the last 15 lines of /home/user/log file.
<h3>What is a Linux command?</h3>
A Linux command can be defined as a software program that is designed and developed to run on the command line, in order to enable an administrator (end user) of a Linux network perform both basic and advanced tasks by entering a line of text.
In Linux computer systems or machines, a command line interface (cli) command that should be used by an administrator (end user) to view only the last 15 lines of /home/user/log file is "tail -n 15 /home/user/logfile."
In conclusion, the above command would reveal only the last 15 lines of /home/user/log file on a Linux computer system.
Read more on Linux commands here:
Because all answers are intotal (2)
An information system is essentially made up of five components hardware, software, database, network and people. These five components integrate to perform input, process, output, feedback and control. Hardware consists of input/output device, processor, operating system and media devices.
Depends on how deep you're willing to go to really,
You need one of a few arrangements of flip flop circuits to keep 1-bit state.
Going deeper, you need either NAND, or NOR gates(or a bunch of other ones) and connectors.
Even deeper, you'll require diodes or transistors to build the logic gates.
Beyond that is particle physics.
Not much of a tech person, but protocol then firewall seems the most reasonable.