The answer is shaping. It is a conditioning model
used chiefly in the experimental analysis of behavior. The technique
used is disparity reinforcement of successive estimates. It was make known by
B. F. Skinner with pigeons and protracted to dolphins, dogs, humans and other
From They should be voting in the house and senate!
more than 50 percent.
In 2008, more than 50 percent of the total population of earth lives in urban areas because people come to urban areas in order to earn money for their family and achieve higher status in the society. In 2030, about 60 percent of population of earth will live in urban areas. There are a lot of opportunities of jobs in the urban cities while with the increase in population, the rural areas are also converted into urban areas.
Whether sociological studies can predict or improve society
The antipositivism proposes that social science researchers must first be aware that the concepts, ideas and language of research shape their perception of the social world under investigation. On the other hand, positivism believes that a theory can only be taken for granted if it is proven from valid scientific techniques.
According to these concepts, we can conclude that the difference between positivism and antipositivism is better represented by the option: "whether sociological studies can predict or improve society
A forest is a renewable resource but it takes much more time to grow a forest than to grow a stand of trees