There are around 14 States that are present on the east coast of the United States which means the states considered lie around the Atlantic Ocean. The East Coast States have some very popular States in them like New York City.
Some of the East Coast States are named as Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Georgia, Florida, Connecticut, North and South Carolina, Massachusetts, Maine, Delaware and Virginia are included in them.
He dislikes real women, so he carves an ideal fake one. He dislikes them and shuns all women from his life. He likes them so much that he carves the perfect women to admire. He loves one woman so much that he carves a statue of her.
He replaced the elected consuls and the Senate with an empire that could be inherited by members of the ruler's family.
Sulla, not being the Emperor in the modern sense of the word, he, however, possessed sole and unlimited power in the republic. His dictatorship dates back to 83-80 years BC, but the period of his sole rule began, in fact, in the 88th, when Sulla was elected consul. He held this post for eight years against all laws, including the Constitution. Formally, democratic institutions existed under him. There was even a second consul. But this consul was 'technical,' fulfilling the will of Sulla. There was a Senate, which was controlled in the same way by a dictator. The death of Sulla did not lead to major changes. The transition to one-man rule was a matter of time.
<span> was established by the landmark decision in Marbury v. Madison, 1803. No law or action can contradict the U.S. Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. </span>