Explanation:White Colonists definetely didn't show any opposition towards slavery obviously tho slaves were not interested in being slaves
Slaves would break tools start fires and run away from their plantations
It is the knowingly act of falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth or giving a false statement under oath, wether be spoken or written when that affirmation can influence the legal result of an official proceeding, this is also know as PERJURY, this is different from false swearing because in this case, this is not an oath required by law, is made voluntarily, and its purpose is not necessarily to influence or mislead anyone.
Mexican Americans, Mexico
At the end of the Mexican American War in the late 1800s, the Mexican Americans were given an offer to take American citizenship. However, they were considered as a second class society, and they settled in the southwest of the USA. Some Chinese population also as an immigrant came to the US and settled in California, and by 1949 they too were 300000 in number.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Las dos causas que provocan la violencia de género son las siguientes.
1.- Sentido de superioridad.
Esto significa que el hombre tiene la errónea creencia de que es un ser superior a la mujer por el simple hecho de ser físicamente más fuerte. En actitudes extremas esto conlleva al machismo, en el que el hombre trata de manera grosera y algunas veces humillante a la mujer porque la considera inferior.
2.- El conservador papel de la mujer.
Otra causa es la equivocada idea de que la mujer sólo sirve para tener hijos, criarlos y atender las necesidades de la casa. Este equivocado criterio ha imperado por años.
Los hombres que piensan así, no quieren que sus mujeres estudien, trabajen y progresen. Esta es una muestra de inseguridad de los hombres que se sienten presionados y temerosos de sus mujeres puedan ser más exitosas que ellos.
No one is rich.
No one is poor.
Everyone has the same things.
No one is more important than anyone else.
Everyone works for the good of society.