Throughout the novel, Atticus shows he has a realistic but positive view of human nature. He knows that people are imperfect and is able to be tolerant of their failings, a lesson he tries to pass onto Scout.
Here ya go!
Explanation: Hi my names Kayla im the oldestchild in the family im 16 years old and i have a sister called Alyssa and a brother calleed ava there 7 and 8 years old my mums name is belinda shes 32 and my dad john and hes 33 we like watching glee and going on walks on the beach togather we also have a dog called tinie!
Major earthquakes are considered unusual but major tremors happen frequently . Major is a word that is an adjective.
Sometimes the narrator has an opinion on things and takes sides. But if most people agree on a choice, the narrator usually agrees too. For example, in a fairy tale, snow white fell asleep and most people wanted snow to wake up. (The dwarves) But only the evil queen and her servants wanted her to die. SO if the narrator said
"Snow white was so dramatic and sad and she was so useless. The evil queen on the other hand, deserves to win and she is amazing."
People wouldn't want to read it because the opinion is not very popular.