Quinton is a place name, a surname or a masculine given name. The place name originates from Old English cwen "queen" or cwene "woman" and tun "farmstead, estate".
I would have to say that heav is the syllable that recieves the heaviest accent.
because know the past can help you build what you know now
1. Jack <u>wakes up</u> at 7 a.m. every morning and he <u>takes</u> a shower before breakfast.
2. Betty <u>cleans</u> her room on the weekend.
3. Mike and Tina <u>study</u> in the evenings. They <u>read</u> magazines.
4. My father <u>works</u> at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays, but he <u>never</u> works on Saturdays.