Okkkkkk- lemme help you rq
Studying History is important cause the cause of knowing the past you can acknolage it and turn it into other statements, knowing history is important in many ways cause people built off the history to make the past now in history to the future and planned it out, history is facts from back then telling us what info we needed to know what happened and why it happened to know how our state built off of it. Studying history allows us to observe and understand how people and societies behaved. Develop an understanding of the World. Through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, and cultures, and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. Knowing history is knowing what your past anssestors went through. -Tsui ( i hope you dont mind I took a part of this from a website so I dont want you to be blamed for plagarism for your info) -Tsui
While shoveling snow after a blizzard, Donzel slipped on the ice and struck his head. Doctors found that the part of his brain responsible for his basic survival functions was swelling and that his life was in danger. The part of Donzel's brain that was most likely hurt in the accident was the <u>hindbrain</u>.
The hindbrain is the lower brain, it made of the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum, it links the brain to the body. The hindbrain is responsible for normal bodily functions such as movement and balance.
Injury to the hindbrain will affect body functions such as movement, balancing and even response of the other parts of the body, the body may become unresponsive and paralysed (vegetative state).
it makes everyone equal
rule of law means that no one is above the law and when no one is above the law they can not interfere with the basic civil rights of anyone in the US
Answer: Star
Atlantix Global Systems based it's success would be classified as a Star according to BCG business portfolio analysis framework.
To answer this, I am going to assume that the question is what mental disorder is Ms. Jones most likely to have based on the information given.
In psychology and psychopathology, the term agoraphobia refers to a type of anxiety disorder in which you avoid places or situations that cause you anxiety or stress. This anxiety occurs when the person thinks there's no easy way to escape or get help (usually in public spaces). At this point, the anxiety can get to such high levels that it won't even let them leave their home.
In this example, Ms. Jones has not left her house in 15 years because she is afraid of the crime and terrorism, this indicates that <u>she is avoiding a situation that cause her anxiety since she might think she might be a victim of terrorism or crime if she goes outside.</u> Thus, we can see that she most likely is diagnosed with Agoraphobia