One is it takes bravery and determination to conquer defeat
Nymphs are the minor deities that care for nature. The most mentioned 'varieties' are dryads (tree nymphs) and naiads (water nymphs). They are Greek/roman deities, but only minor ones, usually dedicated to a specific tree/body of water. They often mated or served with higher gods or mated with mortals to produce demi-god offspring, e.g. Achilles was the son of a sea nymph, Thetis, and a mortal King.
I think that society would have less ridiculous beauty standards. And I think people would become more humble towards each other; if we see ourselves less, we think less about our looks. We look to the less superficial aspects of life. Hope this helps, I'd write more, but I wouldn't want to rant ;)
<span>The most appropriate answer is d. Fishery collapse. Removing too many fishes from an area in a given season will impact reproduction rates. Removing healthy reproducing adults decreases the amount of hactchlings available to grow and replenish supplies for future seasons.</span>
A lair is a <span>hideout,
a scabbard is a </span><span>sheath for a sword,
a hilt is a handle of a sword,
a complacent person is someone who is not eager to please,
while a covetous person is someone who is eager to obtain or posses,
All of these can be found in dictionaries, and you made a typo by writing liar instead of a lair.