<span>What provides the body with 9 calories a gram and provide energy as well as insulates the body.?
<span>Lipids: 1 gram of lipid provides 9 kcal or 37 kJ,</span></span>
C would be the most logical answer in that situation, although others are most likely arguable
Answer: According to Baxter ;
- Humans as surrogates for nonhumans (animals): What is good for us, is also good for nonhumans (anthropocentrism also indirectly protects nature)
- To take care of nature is right and ought to be enforced because it benefits humans to do so (and only to the extent that it does so)
- The right amount of pollution is the amount that best satisfies human interests ("The optimal state of pollution").
2? I believe is a more profound answer but if this question is multiple choices then 1,2 and 3
A common answer would be either depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.