D. ability to make major changes in a short period of time
While other options are can be true of a command economy in certain situations, option D is the only option that I would classify as an advantage of a command economy over a Market Economic System. However, major changes in a short time can have disastrous consequences, for example the 6-7 million deaths that resulted from Stalin's five year plan.
A) These organizations provided some needed services, jobs, and emergency aid
Explanation: These organizations would give back to the community as a way of exchanging for their votes
the goal was to "convert the wrongdoer"
Gandhi hoped to make the world aware of British injustice by accepting punishment without striking back He also hoped to make the British aware of their own wrongdoing.
Malcolm X was an African-American Muslim priest, human rights activist, and prominent leader of black nationalists who served as president of the Nation of Islam during the 1950s and 1960s. As an excellent speaker, Malcolm X managed to get his numerous listeners to his side. His speeches addressed the identity, uncompromisingness and independence of blacks, and he encouraged his followers to defend themselves “by any means,” including violent means if necessary.
Malcolm X fell victim to assassins in February 1965. His legacy is evident in society and popular culture to this day: Malcolm helped, among other things, change the terms Negro and colored to their current forms of black and African American. The later Black Power movement was based on his criticism and ideals.
I believe the ties were after the Boston tea party..
Americans loved their "tea commodity" almost as much as sugar...