a. fatty acids is the correct answer.
fatty acids is NON-polar molecule.
Nonpolar molecules are that molecules which are not soluble in water and fatty acids are not soluble in water.
fatty acids are hydrophobic and the hydrocarbon chain present in fatty acids are nonpolar, thus that's the reason fatty acid is nonpolar.
examples of fatty acids
Obesity is considered as a problem which concerns individual with the highest income. has two major negative effects that mays harm their health:
- It can lead to depression, due to the sedentary lifestyle, the lack of the physical activity, the mocking in the school or in the neighborhood which let the obese being self-contained and leads to depression.
- It can lead to health issue: Obesity means a high blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol level, which can rise type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes risks. It can even lead to cancer or gout if it has a very bad diet.
Los volcanes Villarrica, Llaima, Volcán Osorno, Chillán (en Chile), Nevado de Colima, Volcán Ceboruco, Popocatépetl (en México)ejemplos de estratovolcanes