E. The phrase “sneer of cold command” reflects Shelley’s idea that a king may harm his subjects.
Lines 10-11, "'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: / Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
", there are no terms, in the poem, to make the tone feel fearful about the king.
Line 4, "Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
" the poem does not set whether the king is attractive.
Line 1 and 14, "I met a traveller from an antique land... The lone and level sands stretch far away." These do not show a desire to be away.
Line 8, "The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
" the hand was the sculpture's hand and the poem doesn't state whether or not the kind mistreated the artist by having him build a huge statue of himself.
Line 5, "And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
" shows that the sculpture didn't favor the king making him look older and less desirable as if he is to harm his people.