Kidneys, Bone Marrow, and it Produces red blood cells.
Microorganisms that are involved in the nitrogen cycle are able to break the triple of elemental nitrogen using special enzymes that they have developed and make ammonium. Other organisms like plants are unable to break the triple bond and therefore rely on these microorganisms so that they can absorb the ammonia
Hey There!</h2><h2>
1- Fire uses the energy, The heat is required, it is the part of the chemical reaction. Heat reacts with the fuel and oxygen to ignite it.
2- Bacteria as the decomposers gets rid of the wastes. It breaks down the organic material such as the remains of dead organisms.
3- Fire grows and develops, The fire has different stages. If its not controlled in its initial stages it could grow and develop into really big destruction.
4- Bacteria can sense and respond to stimuli. There is phototactic and chemotactic movement found in bacteria.
5- Bacteria has ways to protect itself from environment. They can form colony and work together against the changes, also they can form the hard cyst to protect themselves from the unfavorable conditions.
6- Bacteria reproduces, It has different ways of reproduction i.e. Trans.duction, Transf.ormation, conju.gation.
7- have a def.ined boun.dary as it is not a living thing it can't gr.ow, it does not have 8 chara.cteristics of li.fe.
8- has internal organization which help them to carry out basic functions
9- Algae are made of more than one cells
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>Best Regards,</h2><h2>'Borz'</h2><h2 />
In humans, new neurons are continually born
throughout adulthood in two regions of the brain:
</span><span>The subgranular
zone (SGZ), part of the dentate gyrus of
the hippocampus.</span>
</span><span>The striatum;
however the adult-born neurons are a type of interneuron,
not a type that projects to other brain areas.</span>[5]
<span>In other species of mammals, particularly rodents,
adult-born neurons also appear in the olfactory
bulb. In humans, however, few if any olfactory bulb neurons are
generated after birth.</span>
<span> </span>
it would take 7.5 years.
light years are a measurement to determine how long it would take for something the speed of light to reach its destination