I do it immediately, so it don’t effect my assignments or grades.
a. int foo+; (foo+ is an invalid identifier because + is not a valid char in identifiers)
b. foo int; (Syntax error is any error where the syntax is invalid - either due to misplacement of words, bad spelling, missing semicolons etc.)
c. Static semantic error are logical errors. for e.g passing float as index of an array - arr[1.5] should be a SSE.
d. I think exceptions like NullReferenceException might be an example of DME. Not completely sure but in covariant returns that raise an exception at compile time (in some languages) might also come in this category. Also, passing the wrong type of object in another object (like passing a Cat in a Person object at runtime might qualify for DME.) Simplest example would be trying to access an index that is out of bounds of the array.
He could use bold or bigger text just a suggestion.
The prewriting process should include brainstorming a topic, deciding on which topic on which to write, research of a topic, organizing the research into a comprehensive whole. Check out an APA style textbook, should be available at the library, and it should have more results in the prewriting process. Of course, the writing process itself depends on the individual and his or her cognitive process on writing.