It focuses on protecting individuals and states from tyranny of an unstrained federal government.
Correct answer is В. God has already decided which people will get into heaven.
Only option B is correct answer as Calvin believed that God already determined who will be saved and go to heaven and who will not.
We cannot basically run away from our destiny. We are no sinful because we want to be, but because we were made like that.
Therefore, all other options are not correct. Most of the people will not go to heaven and no matter what we do our destiny is already decided.
The goverment has less spending money so basically the banks have more spending money and when banks make loans they end up having a lot more spending power then the whole goverment
Max Weber was a modern sociologist from the past century that believed that observable facts in society can translate in understanding what goes inside in the lives of people according to their local perspective and that this would enable for an overall better understanding (Verstehen) of how actually would society work at the largest scale.
All facts or events that involve human society could then be understood, if recognized the individual meaning and personal factors in social actions.
Some other of his predecessors like Durkheim or August Comte, would treat social actions as "things" and would rather seek to look for structures in all aspects of social life.
Credibility is a important attribute public figures, people don't want to listen to irresponsible people, because there is nothing to prove. Credibility buys audience, it buys a good profile to emulate,people will want to listen to you,they will want to hear you out and learn something from you.
It is like a key to peoples heart, to be credible is a proven character that money cant buy and people will give absolute attention to people that have proven character of credibility