Positive activities of political parties include holding a political party member accountable for his or her actions while in office, since this protects the interests of the people who elected the representative in question.
The oregon trail, mormon Trail,and William B. Travis
The Oregon Trail was important because it was a major route for migrating to the western part of the United States. mormon trail is where The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints traveled for 3 months. William B. Travis was a lieutenant Colonel in the texas army,he died at the battle of Alamo during the Texas revolution. He was also a lawyer at one point.
bitter dissapointment over failure to win territory
-rising inflations in unemployment
-democraric government seemed hopeless
December 7th (1984) :))))
When the person running against you becomes your vice president it causes problems because they most likely have opposing views to what you believe. But yet again, when America was just becoming a country the people had a constant morality that was based of the Bible, and is why it probably wasn't such a BIG problem back then.