They also engaged in the ceramics Industry, paper making, porcelain making, tea-leaf processing, metallurgical among other activities which helped boost their economy. The people in Tang Dynasty were involved in commercial activities due to developed and improved agriculture and the handicraft industry. Inventions during the Tang dynasty were made in the fields of medicine, engineering, and sciences. Gun powder, gas cylinders and porcelain were among the few inventions during this time. Printing was another big accomplishment during this dynasty. The Song Dynasty (960–1279) of China was a period of Chinese history marked by commercial expansion, economic prosperity, and revolutionary new economic concepts. Private trade grew and a market economy began to link the coastal provinces with the interior.
Puritans did not agree with the Anglican church so the wanted to change it. They could do that in Massachusetts. Church leaders led the local government and everyone in the colony had to pay to support the Puritan church. -