Beowulf lies dead, and Wiglaf is bowed down with grief at the loss of his lord. The dragon, too, lies slain on the ground. The poet briefly commemorates the beast's end. ... He suggests that foreign warlords will be sure to attack the Geats now that Beowulf can no longer protect them.
Karma is a concept of Hinduism which explains through a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a soul's (Atman's) reincarnated lives forming a cycle of rebirth.
Every single one of them could be not true BUT your answer is D
It’s states because he scores the most points which is data or a number that proved the first argument
Purposive communication will help fulfill the columban vision -guided by catholic faith and culture by making known or presenting the Catholic belief and the purpose of the excellence culture.
<h3>What is purposive communication?</h3>
Purposive communication involves relating a message to people or individual in a clear and concise way.
It is done in order to achieve a specific results or outcome. Different communication forms and language can be used like writing and speaking.
Purposive communication will help fulfill vision by communicating it to people that will help in the actualizing of the vision.
Therefore, Purposive communication will help fulfill the columban vision -guided by catholic faith and culture by making known or presenting the Catholic belief and the purpose of the excellence culture.
Learn more on communication below
The sentence that is best as it is is option B: Only Dave will go with us; the others are busy. The rest of the sentences contain incorrect parts such as the proper use of the word "only". In the first sentence, it should be "only to watch". In the third sentence, it should be "only drinks water". In the third sentence, it should be "Only Leah studied".