Mold and mushrooms are both fungi, the mold is called “Hyphomycetes”
PH – depends on the environment the cell that is respiring is in.
Temperature; as it increases, the rate increases…to a point (too hot and enzymes denature!)
The greenhouse is the cause of most climate warming and glacier retreat in the past 50 years, however, related causes like farming, burning fossil e.t.c are also causing glacier retreat
<span>1. Cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is where its organelles are suspended.</span>
<span>2. Ribosomes. These ribosomes facilitate in manufacturing the cell’s proteins used in many cellular activities.</span>
<span><span>3. </span>Plasmid. It is a tiny DNA molecule.</span>
<span>4. Nucleoid. The genophore of a prokaryotic cell where its genetical material are found.</span>
Prokaryotic cells have: <span><span>1. </span>Capsules.</span>
<span><span>2. </span>Flagellum. A tail</span>
<span><span>3. </span>Pili, a hair-like structure on its surface.</span>