Barry’s Bagel Emporium sells a dozen bagels for $5.00. This price is no longer high enough to create a profit. The owner decides
to raise the price. He does not want to alarm his customers with too large of an increase. He is considering four different plans. Plan A: Raise the price by $0.05 each week until the price reaches $8.00.
Plan B: Raise the price by 10 percent each week until the price reaches $8.00.
Plan C: Raise the price by the same amount each week for 6 weeks, so that in the sixth week the price is $8.00.
Plan D: Raise the price by $0.25 each week until the price reaches $8.00.
Which plan will result in the price of the bagels reaching $8.00 fastest?
plan A
plan B
plan C
plan D
950 is a real number, and it is a rational number since it can be expressed as 950/1. Therefore, it falls into all of the categories expect irrational numbers.