A on quizlet pay less interest in the long run.
To put it in simple terms.
- Self-esteem is the way we view our own worth.
- Self-concept is the way we view our general characteristics as a whole.
Here are how the two of them connected :
1. The higher our self-esteem, the more positive characteristics that we will put in our self-concept.
People who are comfortable in being themselves, will openly accept their own talents and their own defect. They will constantly hone their talent and make it a part of their identity within the social group.
2. Our Self-concept will be influenced by other people's feedback. Higher self-esteem will help you handle negative feedback from others, making your self-concept become more stable compared to people with lower self-esteem.
opportunity cost
opportunity cost is a concept in economics used to describe opportunity lost or alternative use of resources forgone as a result of allocation of resources to alternatives. In the example above holly gives up the interest that could have been earned from her investment and allocates the money resource to another alternative-book. Her opportunity cost here is the investment value as a result of the interest that would have accrued to her.
Las medidas de aislamiento preventivo establecidas por muchos gobiernos pueden repercutir de forma muy negativa en el bienestar emocional.
Una razón es que cuando las personas se ven obligadas a quedarse en casa, estas personas se pueden sentir deprimidas, debido a que no pueden salir a departir con sus amigos o familia.
Otra razón es que las medidas de aislamiento causan graves efectos en la economía. Esto resultan en la reducción de ingresos, o incluso pérdida de empleos, para muchas personas, lo que naturalmente causa preocupaciones, y repercute negativamente en el bienestar emocional.
To provide a greater certainty that the observed results are not by chance.