D! Because a gas takes its form and volume of its container
Erythrocytes is the answer
Pregnancy, which is characteristically associated with changes in hormone levels in the body is a process tightly regulated by the hormon Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
The so-called pregnancy hormone is the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). It only occurs during the gestation period and is responsible for regulating the entire process. Segregated by the placenta, it can be found in urine and blood.
The presence of the hormone in the urine allows to confirm the pregnancy with the test. As in pregnancy, the placenta begins to form, the cells that make it up begin to stimulate the production of HCG, which causes the hormone levels to increase very rapidly in the first trimester of pregnancy
S Phase it is important that the cell develops properly
The Chargaff's rules indicate that in the DNA of all living organisms the amount of adenine (A) should be equal to the amount of thymine (T), while the amount of guanine (G) should be equal to the amount of cytosine (C). These rules were useful to describe the structure of the double helix and also enable to describe base patterns that often are associated with specific gene regions (for example, promoter regions are rich in AT). Moreover, an imbalance in the 1:1 equilibrium ratio is associated with mutations that may cause diseases such as cancer.