Answer: Extraneous Variable
Explanation: Extraneous Variable. When we conduct experiments there are other variables that can affect our results, if we do not control them. These other variables are called extraneous or confounding variables.
1) A progressive tax is defined as a tax whose rate increases as the payer's income increases. That is, individuals who earn high incomes have a greater proportion of their incomes taken to pay the tax. A regressive tax, on the other hand, is one whose rate increases as the payer's income decreases.
2) The government has few choices of action to protect its domestic industries. It can implement trade barriers as for example the import quotas and tariffs on imported goods. The two are both lower the consumer's welfare. The tariffs usually would increase the prices of imported goods, therefore consumers would choose the domestic good, meanwhile the import quotas decrease the supply of imports and consumers are obligated to purchase domestic goods of prices higher than the imported goods.
3) Public good is a commodity or service that is provided without profit to all members of a society while private goods is a product that must be purchased to be consumed. There are few reasons for which the government's action is necessary to ensure the provision of public goods such as the very efficiency of this action, the goods and services might be beneficial not only for the purchaser, but other individuals, the value of the good and service becomes greater than what an individual can pay, and also it boosts the economic equity.
4) The government applies equal taxes and regulations to protect the competition. It needs to apply those in order to prevent the creation of monopoly.
5) The censorship has at its core to prevent or to minimalism one's knowledge or access to a product, therefore as a consequence it can increase the prices and have negative consequences on companies and economy in general.
OC. music festival organizers providing a quick update about an offer on ticket prices
An organization that has several quick updates on ticket sales for a music festival is an example of how an organization can use a microblog efficiently. That's because a microblog is a virtual platform that allows for short and quick updates in the form of text and/or images. The main feature of the microblog is the speed of updates, which are made with very short texts that are easily shared with many users.
For a marketing research study to have validity, it must actually measure what it sets out to measure.
When it comes to research, we need to make sure that the measures we are using are reliable and valid.
Reliability refers to consistency across time, items, and researchers. Validity refers to what degree the results of the research reflect what they are intended to reflect (if the research actually measures what it has set out to measure). There are three main types of validity:
- face validity - the extent to which the research actually measures what it's supposed to measure;
- content validity - the extent to which a measure represents all aspects of the researched phenomenon;
- criterion validity - whether the results of the research correlate with other variables they are expected to be correlated with and not correlated with variables they are not expected to be correlated with.
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