6. D. practical abolitionists
The abolitionist army is made up from the combination of black citizens and white citizens.
For the white citizens to join, they need to have a good ideology that make them willing to fight for the freedom of the slave. The black abolitionist on the other hand do not need such ideology. They would obtain practical benefit for being a free citizen. This is why they were also called as practical abolitionists.
7. That statement is false
Almost all southern states declared slavery to be legal in that area. For free Blacks to congregate,they need to travel accross the border and reach the northern states territories. Most of the northern states declared themselves as free state.
8. d. large compounds for holding slaves
After the slaves arrived with the ships, slave traders need to put them in an isolated area that cannot be escaped before setting the slaves from action. This in
escapable area is what they referred to as 'slave pens'. The language that slave traders used is similar to the way farmer refer to the place they keep their animals.
9. b. $1800
Prime field hand refers to the slave that can be used to farm in plantation, At that time, the price that considered as 'fair' for a prime field hand is around the price of cotton per pound. In the 1860, 1 pound of cotton is sold at 18 cent. So, the fair price is approximately arond $ 1800
10. That statement is False
William Lloyd Garrison was among the first activists that advocate for the freedom of the slaves, he was not among the first slavehorders in the south. Throughout his activism effort, William Lloyd Garisson receieved a lot of death threat especially from plantation owners. The first slaveholders live hundreds of years before him.
11. That statement is true.
During the earlier time of its establishment , the first women's anti-slavery society was only made up from women of colors that understood the cruelty of slavery. They first held their meeting in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1832. Two years later, they opened their membership to all races.
12. a. the Market Revolution
Market revolution refers to the drastic change that most organizations in the market made to conduct their operation.
During the earlier years of industrial revolution, northern states started to transform their economy and adopted new technologies that invented during the industrial revolution. This shifted their operation from relying on human labors into operation that relied on technologies.
13. That statement is false
After the revolutionary, African American's contribution during the war was acknowledged. The government started to gradually pass legislations to improve the quality of African American's life. Even though the change might not be felt directly by african american at that time, it created a ripple effect that lead to improvements for African American in the following years.
14. b. to be transported down the Mississippi River
'Sold Down the river' method was used before railroad was developed to transport products or material. For example, many producers on middle states used Mississippi river to transfer their log production to the people on southern states.
15. That statement is true
At that time, not many people want to work as sailors on merchant and wailing ships due to the unfavorable salary and working condition. Since it's hard for the freed African Americans to found job in the cities, a large portion of them decided to took the job as sailors.