1/2 a gallon would be 3 pints
this is confusing. I'll try my best to sort it out for you. I'll tap in once I figure it out
Answer : 58 square units.
Tip : break the shape down into shapes you can easily find the area of.
I found the area of the two squares on the bottom
They are identical and are both 2 units tall and two units long giving, giving an area of 4, and since there are two of them you can multiply the are by two giving you 8
Next found the area of the remaining shape which is just a rectangle that excludes the two bottom squares which is 10 units long and 5 units tall multiplying to 50
Step-by-step explanation:
first look at all the equation and solve them. When you get the all of there answer then divide the answers by the sides. And then you will find your answer!