B. style=text-align: right
text-align is a CSS property having 5 types of values. Each of values define below.
left - Aligns content to left.
right - Aligns content to right.
center - Centers the content.
justify - Depends on the width of the content, it will align itself to both left and righ
inherit - It specifies the the value of text-align should be taken from parent element.
H) Well it depends how you put it. I'm Doing virtual School for my education. And it is so easy when we have technology out their to provide the help that we need. So I think it has affected education pretty good. You can Also google the answers.
I) Looking up Answers at home
J) Parents can check up on their child's school work and see if they can help them. Also The law is involved in Education.
K) It depend's on how you put it
Short Answers
think about what she wants to do with her life and what collage is best fit for that