The United States And The Soviet Union Aweee More Similar Than Different In That They Both Were Competing To Be More Powerfully Than The Other . Only Difference Is Their Ideolgies : U.S Was Democratic And Belived In Capitalism While The USSR Was Communist And Belived In Totalitarianism . Both Superpowers Goals Were To Not Only Stop The Other Side From Spreading Their Ideas But To Also Spread Their Own Ideologies And Beliefs .Furthermore , Both Sides Increased Their Technology ( i.e. the atomic bomb ) Finally , The Two Were , As Stated Above , World Superpowers At This Time .
Members of the House of Representatives serve two-year terms and are considered for reelection every even year. Senators however, serve six-year terms and elections to the Senate are staggered over even years so that only about 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection during any election.
~ Emmy
Hi i wud help but i am sry I can't see the question.
The statistics about the human population fall into the category of the demography. The demography is part of the geographic sciences, more specifically of the socio-economic geography spectrum. The focus of the demography is the human population and its characteristics. In order to be able to have a proper data base, the demography is using statistics. Some of the things that this field is studying is ethic groups, racial groups, religious groups, birth rates and death rates, level of education, age structure, migratory patterns and many more.
The Consitiutional Union Party candidate John Bell hoped to ease the tension between the North and South by promising to uphold the Union and enforce federal laws.