Michelangelo portrayed David beating Goliath as opposed to other artists showing Goliath beating David.
A constitutional court is a high court that deals primarily with constitutional law
<span>The answer is- "The Amendment requires that felonies be tried only upon indictment by a grand jury. In most states, prosecutors have up to 72 hours to bring charges. But certain states, including California, give prosecutors only 48 hours before they must file charges or release the suspect. That time limit applies to how long you can be held without charge, but it doesn't necessarily affect the prosecutor's ability to bring charges later on."</span>
It gave a better quality of life due to medicare and medicade
But now The Papers of Abraham Lincoln, through research by associate editor Stacy Pratt McDermott, has found that the letter was written by Andrew Johnston, a newspaper editor, lawyer and fan of Lincoln's poetry