informative, discrimiitive,critical thats the order
The keys in all rows that's sit between the touch keys are the stretch key
Following are the program in the Python Programming language.
#define function
def negative_num(num_list):
#set list type variable
#set the for loop
for n in num_list:
#check negative numbers
#add the value of n in list
#return list
return nlist
#set new list type variable that store list
#print and call the function
[-5, -6, -4, -7]
Here, we define the function "negative_num" and pass an argument "num_list" in its parameter and inside the function.
- Set new list data type variable "nlist".
- Set the for loop which iterate as the list.
- Set the if conditional statement to check the value of the list is less than 0 then, add that negative values in the variable "nlist".
- Then, return the new list.
Finally, we set a variable "newl" which store the list of negative and positive numbers then, we print and call the function.
Two or more computers connected together is referred to as a network.
So the answer is <span>B. network.</span>
//Define class
public class Main {
//define main method
public static void main(String[] args)
//declare and initialize the double type variable to 128
double mexico = 128;
//declare and initialize the double type variable to 323
double us = 323;
//declare and initialize the integer type variable to 0
int yr = 0;
//set the while loop to check which is greater
while (mexico < us)
//increment in the variable by 1
//initialize in the variables acc. to the percentage
mexico *= 1.0101;
us *= 0.9985;
//print the following results
System.out.println("Population of the Mexico will be exceed the population U.S. in " + yr + " years");
System.out.println("Population of the Mexico will be " + mexico + " million");
System.out.println("and population of the U.S. will be " + us + " million");
Population of the Mexico will be exceed the population U.S. in81 years
Population of the Mexico will be 288.88435953355025 million
and population of the U.S. will be 286.0198193927948 million
<u>Following are the description of the program</u>.
- Firstly, we define the class 'Main' and inside it, we define the main method.
- Then, declare two double data type variables which are 'mexico' and 'us' and initialize in it to 128 and 323.
- Declare integer data type variable 'yr' and initialize in it to 0.
- Set the while loop and pass the condition to check that the variable 'mexico' is less than the variable 'us' then, increment in the variable 'yr' by 1 and multiply the variables 'us' and 'mexico' by the following percentage.
- Finally, print the following results with the message.